Urgent question about rig clean-up

  • I'm just going to clean up the memory contents of my KPAs and have a large amount of rigs deleted. This is me in kpa too laborious, yet I am so doing this on the PC
    as described in wikpa: "Make a backup on the USB stick; open it on the PC with 7Zip; erase the not needed content of the Rig folder; save it and pack it again with 7Zip and and rename it back to the original name (in my case: 2013-11-26 19-42-01.kpabackup); then restore the backup".
    All no problem and works flawlessly but I have a question: can I name this file differently (eg with another new date "2014-01-08 19-42-01.kpabackup" ) or causes this the profiler then problems when it reads the backup?

    Play it like you mean it.

  • Thank you Stevoe - I tried it and unfortunately it does not work. The Kemper does not import this file. Therefore I manually deleted about 600 rigs (because there is no editor for this purpose :cursing: ), which has cost me a few hours of my time.
    A positive side effect: the KPA now boots much faster than before...

    Play it like you mean it.

  • e.g. I use the following archive names:



    and so on .....

    once in a while i go to rigex, factory, soundside or The Amp Factory Backups to "investigate and discover" a new amp set.

    then i tweak it possible and put it to "favorites" or put it back for "resubmission" - then you never know - a new guitar and
    rigs that you did'nt loved at all in the past became gems

    I figured out to have not more than 1000 rigs per backup

    in favorites.kpabackup at the moment aprox 400

    and in the livesetups aprox 10 to 20

  • Use an USB extension cord.

    hell !!!!!!! Nooooo!!!!!!!! You made my day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have some of these cords at work ---- but when I' m at home my brain is switching in a different mode and I never honestly never ever
    had this idea --- most probably dementia --- thank you

  • Thank you Stevoe - I tried it and unfortunately it does not work. The Kemper does not import this file. Therefore I manually deleted about 600 rigs (because there is no editor for this purpose ), which has cost me a few hours of my time.
    A positive side effect: the KPA now boots much faster than before...

    Do you to change the file type from 7z to tar when repacking??