Behringer FCB 1010 not syncing/recognising

  • Hey guys I JUST bought my kemper yesterday and I have a practise on sunday so I was going to have just a rhythm channel, clean channel and wah channel on my board but it's not recognising the board and the manual isn't really clear exactly on the connections and/or setting it up and programming it? I found the page talking about programming but it's so rediculously confusing for me. I am a literal technology retard that's why I opted for a Kemper over an Axe FX because of the tone and ease of use but the board part is giving me quite a lot of trouble :( I did buy the uno4kemper but I live in Australia so it could be weeks before I get it so I wanted those 3 presets to hold me over. Can anyone be of some help to me in a language I'll understand? ?(

  • With your requirement, you'd just need to set up three programme changes on the Kemper and FCB. For that, you need to select an appropriate midi channel on the Kemper patch of your choice by navigating through the system menu, going to the correct page, turning the soft knob and selecting the channel number for said profile. Then, programme one of the footswitches of your FCB to transmit the same PC# to the Kemper to activate the profile. Simpler than it sounds and I'm not too familiar with the FCB, but I'm using a generic midi footswitch to control my Kemper and it works that way. Best of luck.

  • With your requirement, you'd just need to set up three programme changes on the Kemper and FCB. For that, you need to select an appropriate midi channel on the Kemper patch of your choice by navigating through the system menu, going to the correct page, turning the soft knob and selecting the channel number for said profile. Then, programme one of the footswitches of your FCB to transmit the same PC# to the Kemper to activate the profile. Simpler than it sounds and I'm not too familiar with the FCB, but I'm using a generic midi footswitch to control my Kemper and it works that way. Best of luck.

    That's the problem I'm having is the kemper does not recognise the FCB 1010 as a controller at all. It's all connected up and it still says under the expression pedals <unplugged> for 1&2 and nothing changes in midi settings when the pedals are moved :(

  • Wow. Difficult to troubleshoot from so far away. I'd say break down and get one of those UNO for Kemper chips, I think it costs about 16 euros so you won't have to worry about customs and duties in Oz. Supposed to be plug and play, so it should eliminate a lot of the problems you have.

    Personally, I suggest you try to read up a bit more and solve the issue with what you have. It's quite vexatious being unable to get hardware to work together, but I'm pretty sure there's no magic in the UNO for Kemper EPROM.

    Wish I could be of more help, but I don't have an FCB1010. Ask anyone else with one on the forums and they'll tell you, "Get the Uno for Kemper EPROM" lol

  • Wow. Difficult to troubleshoot from so far away. I'd say break down and get one of those UNO for Kemper chips, I think it costs about 16 euros so you won't have to worry about customs and duties in Oz. Supposed to be plug and play, so it should eliminate a lot of the problems you have.

    Personally, I suggest you try to read up a bit more and solve the issue with what you have. It's quite vexatious being unable to get hardware to work together, but I'm pretty sure there's no magic in the UNO for Kemper EPROM.

    Wish I could be of more help, but I don't have an FCB1010. Ask anyone else with one on the forums and they'll tell you, "Get the Uno for Kemper EPROM" lol

    Wow. Difficult to troubleshoot from so far away. I'd say break down and get one of those UNO for Kemper chips, I think it costs about 16 euros so you won't have to worry about customs and duties in Oz. Supposed to be plug and play, so it should eliminate a lot of the problems you have.

    Personally, I suggest you try to read up a bit more and solve the issue with what you have. It's quite vexatious being unable to get hardware to work together, but I'm pretty sure there's no magic in the UNO for Kemper EPROM.

    Wish I could be of more help, but I don't have an FCB1010. Ask anyone else with one on the forums and they'll tell you, "Get the Uno for Kemper EPROM" lol

    Thanks a lot man! I spoke to a touring musician with this set up and he helped me through it! all sorted! :D