Profiling at Home

  • Hi All!
    I´m a new KPA-User and i started profling my Madamp A15 in my home-Studio, so the KAP and the Amp are in the same room.
    Now, if i want to adjust the levels i have the amp blasting right next to me all the time, witch makes it difficult to hear and adjust the Profil. Is there a way to mute the "Reference Amp"-signal while profiling?
    sorry, i´m a newbie... maybe it´s a stupid question or i haven´t found the solution in the manuals...

  • Hi paults!
    Sure, it has to sound while profiling... but while adjusting the volume and while comparing the reference with the profiled amp, i have to listen to booth.
    i thought maybe there´s an option too mute the direct/send signal, while listing to the kemper...

    EDIT: Found the solution. reference manual, page 15: It´s possible to "mute" the reference amp to listen to the profile on my monitors without the amp blasting right next to me.