Pittbull 45 profile in the rig exchange

  • I have uploaded a profile of my VHT Pittbull 45.
    It's called MANE PITTBULL STRAT.

    It's the kind of setting I use with my strat neck pickup.
    The amp is set on the overdrive channel with the gain very low and the master volume high.
    This gives a bell like compressed sound I like.
    I use the volume knob on the guitar to go from clean to slightly overdriven.

    My strat is a maple neck Fender 57 reissue from the 80's.
    It's got very weak pickups (57/62 Fenders) and I set them far away from the strings.
    I hope the profile translates well to other guitars.

    Hope you find it useful.
    Adios amigos.

    Mané Larregla.

  • Yes! Thank you! I can't wait to try this. I used to own a couple Pitbulls 10 years back. One of them had the greatest clean sound. I still think about that sound.

    Any chance you would do a profile on the clean channel too?

    Many thanks!!!

  • I have uploaded a new version.

    The noise gate was set to high in the previous one.
    It is a noise suppressor and it affects the sound when set to high, not really a gate.

    I have tweaked eq and now it works better with my strat.
    I'm not sure if the amp profile itself is the same as the one I posted first.
    I made several attempts when profiling the amp and this could be a different one.

  • At ur2funky:
    When I first received the amp I used it live as a normal channel switching amp.
    I used both channels, but never liked the clean one except when pushed into distortion with the boost engaged and volume maxed.
    It was deafening and I could not use it live.

    Then a year after while making a record at Madrid's Sonoland studios,
    I discovered the sound of the second channel set almost clean in gain but with the master almost maxed.
    From then on we recorded the rest of the record like that, humbuckers and single coils all worked much better this way.
    In comparison we found the clean channel stiff sounding and a bit boring.

    If you want I will profile the clean channel, but as it's something I can't find a use for myself, I doubt the results will be useful for anybody.
    If you remember the settings you used to like for the clean channel, I will gladly make a set of profiles.
    There's a boost switch, a bright switch and a shift switch. Volume, presence and a bass, middle and treble tonestack.

  • It's been soo long since I had the amp I can't remember the settings, but I sure remember loving the clean channel with my Strat.

    If you wouldn't mind making one, I would love to hear it! Just dial the clean channel for a clean, spanky tone, whatever sounds the best to you.

    Many thanks in advance!!!


  • As Ur2funky requested profiles of the clean channel, this evening I did six profiles of the clean channel, from cranked to eleven (#1) to really clean (#6).

    I'm happy I did as I think I will be using some of them.
    The cleaner ones I prefer them with a compressor in front.

    I sent them to Ur2funky, he also suggested Dropbox as an alternative to email for sending zip files.
    So as the profiles may be useful for other people I thought I should upload them to Dropbox and share them here.

    This is the link:

  • I just finally got this downloaded from my Mac to the Kemper and I'm tickled!!! What a great set of profiles from channel one!!! Really impressive! After spending a couple hours playing them, they all ended up in my favorites! I setup a performance for the sounds too.

    Really Great!

    You should do the same with Channel Two, clean to Cranked!!!


    Thank you sooooo much!!!!

  • I'm glad you liked them ur2funky.
    I have a couple more gainy profiles of the second channel and I'll make a bunch more.
    I'll try with BB preamp and OCD pedals in front too.
    I'll post them here when they're done.

  • I have uploaded profiles of the drive channel and a profile of the clean channel to the Rig Exchange.
    One of them has a Xotic bb preamp pedal in front of the amp and has a cool SRV/Hendrix neck pickup sound I think.
    Hope you like them.