[Choptones] Mesa Boogie Mark V - Metal Pack (16 Profiles)

  • Judging the video, the MarkV sounds amazing, and I think now I am quite well experienced to profile mesa Boogie Mark profiles now;)

    Thank you! :thumbup:

    Soon we'll publish some new videos rock and lead oriented! ;)
    Stay tuned!

  • The profiles are great. It's all channel 3 and there's a good mix of metal profiles. I tried them with my jp6 and an ibanez with emgs and worked great on both. (I'm not an active fan but those emgs do record well!)

    My review was based on the profiles through my studio. Guitars - Kpa - A7X. The profiles sat well in logic with both ezdrummer 2 and ssd 4 drums. I need to experiment more but it's going to work. As far as the mix in the video - I didn't pay much attention. My mini review is from my experience in my home studio. I'll record a demo if people want but I'm a player not a mixer and I'm not a fan of these modern metal mixes with 6505s quad tracked everywhere. So bare that in mind!

    All I can say here is I use Mesa and these are the best so far by a long shot. The free ones aren't an accurate representation of how I like to set a Mesa amp up. These profiles are much closer and are the only ones using the right mics. Anyway, Getting a good mix is down to way more than just profiles. The sooner everyone on this forum understand that mixing is an entirely different skill set the better!

    Anyway. Long say at work. I'll probably have to edit this tomorrow! :)

  • Deadlight - i think what you're hearing is a m/s EQ or some stereo processing - and yeah, i agree. It's pretty bad.

    OP, maybe consider a more straightforward Youtube demo?..

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • The sound on the youtube demo is pretty bad. But the profiles (i own it) are on an very very high level. Best Mark V profiles so far. :thumbup:

  • Here's a short demo of them i did. Im not a mixer, its all very basic moves and this is only a demo so I don't want to spend ages crafting it. Anyway, it shows the profiles in another context :)


    If theres any major problems with the mix then let me know and ill tweak it.

    Amazing stuff man! Thank you!
    How you've processed guitar(s) ??


  • I'm using different profiles each side. There's a high and low pass on the guitars, just the logic one. VCC is my first insert and that's it. The delay on lead is EchoBoy dirt echo preset and it's boosted with a Modded TS9 for extra mids.