Resolved: Difference in sound between 2.3.3 and 2.4.2 ?

  • No real idea. I thought it is on all outs until I tried to record it.

    The differences that I experienced live with a guitar cab was much greater as I could replicate in recording.

    But what I do not know is, if a device connected to fx loop has influence to the signal. Or if I try to reamp the same sequence few times with the same FW, would I get the same result every time? Or slight different recordings. But that is a test that someone else could du :) For me it is enough because now live, the great difference is not here anymore.

  • IMHO it's a myth that the firmware sounds different - as well as the claim that the Toaster sounds different as the Rack.(I checked only FRFR via the main outs)[/quote]
