Recursive search in subfolders

  • Maybe this has been asked already, but I'll ask again...notice that I actually didn't check if there is already an option for it and now I am not at home to try, in that case just discard my question.
    So, I was trying to organize my profiles in the Rigmanager, with a sensible nested structure that would be easy for me to locate things, but then trying the search I notice that it doesn't go recursively over subfolders, that is: if I have folder A and folder B, B being son (or descendant) of A, and A selected, the search returns only profiles contained strictly in A, but not in B. To me this is quite counterintuitive, has anyone requested this feature before?

  • Search in Location 'All Rigs'. The result will show where the found items are located. Activate the respective column with right click => Located In.

    Well, yeah, but there you get all results. Say I have locally a folder The Amp Factory, within which I have several different amp collection, and I'd like to search for all clean sounds. I just think this would be fairly useful.