Harmonic feedback while direct in

  • Hi everybody,

    I was wondering if anyone had an answer to this. My band started recording an ep in a studio last night, and while we were getting drums setup and mic'd, I plug my kemper direct into the board and played around a bit. I noticed that I was missing out on the harmonic feedback that I use in a musical way during a couple portions of songs. At out rehearsal space I use a matrix power amp and orange ppc412hp and bogner ubercab, so feedback comes easily via the amp interaction. I would love to go 100% direct on the kemper for the recording, so I was wondering if anyone had any tips on getting that feedback while plugged direct in. I know I could bring a cab over to the studio and get it that way, but I wondering if I can achieve this with the kemper alone.


  • Thanks for the reply. There are a couple cabs at the studio, so I might end up just punching in a guitar through my rig into one of those for the feedback sections.

  • This :)
    Choose a cab full of mids which easily feedbacks, how it sounds will be irrelevant when you reamp. Even a very small cab will do the trick. Put it on a stand in front of your guitar, and face its grill at very closed distance when you want feedback. You can control the cab volume via a pedal, and increase it when you want more feedback, leaving the Main out untouched.
    You can also eq the Monitor out so that it emphasizes the freqs you need for feedbacking.

    Some people have got good results by using cheap, crancked out headphones as well.


  • This one I learned from Michael Wagener himself. Press the headstock of your guitar up against a cranked-up studio monitor and let it resonate with the speaker. Clever!

    Prior to that, I've gotten very convincing results using an eBow as well as Softube's Acoustic Feedback plugin. The latter is also available as a guitar pedal (aka the Fender Runaway) but it's not quite up to the quality of the plugin, I don't think.
