Modern Country Profiles

  • I'm a metal head at heart and have been that way my whole life. With that said, I have an opportunity to join a very prominent modern country band from my side of town. I've listened to the music and ehh, it's ok. My problem is I can reproduce the licks and play similarly, but don't have "the tone" on my kemper. What are some of your suggestions as far as rigs to try out to get that sound? I have an American Standard Tele with noiseless pick ups if that helps...

    This is a great community and I appreciate any and all input...

    Jeff :thumbup:

  • Classic country was/is dominated by the cleans from Fender blackface amps, over the years expanding more and more into moderately distorted Fender tweed and Marshall plexi territory. Just about any amp that work well from clean to moderate distortion can be found among country players. There's a lot of boutique gear in this market too. Brands such as Matchless, Dr.Z, ToneKing, 65amps, Divided by 13, Vox and Peavey (classic) are all popular in country-circles in addition to the old classic Fender and Marshalls. You should find quite a selection of good profiles on the exchange. What remains is to locate the profiles that work best with your own guitar(s). Another approach is to search the net for information about the rigs used by reputable country players. Chances are you'll find decent profiles from their preferred amps on the exchange too.

  • We play a few country tunes during shows and I've used the "Country Fun" as well as try anything marked "Paisley", he's a Tele monster. A good thread to check out for tweaking the Paisley Dirty profile available on the rig exchange:

    Brad Paisley Tone

    Also try adding a strong(?) 125ms delay with no feedback for that really cool country delay.

  • As paults suggests; buy the pack from Michael Britt. I play country/rock (semi-pro) as well using a singlecoil Tele and those profiles (60 in total) are more than you'll ever need for this kind of music and you won't even have to tweak much. Bought them myself as well couple of days ago and they are absolutely awesome!