Use KPA as a cab + mic + mic preamp simulator

  • Hi,

    I would like to know if someone has already done this : use the KPA as a cab + mic + mic preamp simulator.

    I would like to profile this chain : Matrix - > cab - > mic -> mic preamp. In this configuration I assume the Matrix is a rather transparent device so the important thing is to capture the behaviour of cab + mic + preamp mic.

    I wonder if the profile I'll get will be better than an IR.

    What experience do you have in this domain ?


  • I'm out of the loop with regards to the Matrix, but as to the rest...

    The Profiler will get you the overall EQ contour of the cab/mic/mic pre as part of the profiling process. Assuming that the mic pre is more or less flat, I believe this aspect should be wholly represented by the cab portion of the amp stack.

    If it's the mic pre's saturation characteristics are what you're interested in, that piece of gear (in isolation) would be profiled like a clean amp unless highly overdriven. As clean profiles share a 'universal clean tube amp' saturation model, I suspect YMMV. That aspect would be represented by the amp portion of the stack.
