Profiling problems...anyone else have this issue?

  • Hello,
    Today is "profiling day" for me. I am running through a myriad of possibilities while profiling my Mesa ElectrDyne head. different cabs, speakers, mics, output tubes, with clean boost and w/o etc. One issue I'm running into is that while the Kemper does an amazing job of capturing the mic'd sound of the amp, there seems to be some "staticky muck" (for lack of a better term) in the low end. I am using high end studio mics (I have a nice collection) ribbon, dynamic, and condensor., monitor through high end studio monitors, isolating from vibration and using portable acoustic treatment (4" thick rockwool, OC503) etc. I have not refined my profile yet as I don't think I need to...the Kemper is doing a great job apart from the issue in the low end. Anyone else having this problem?
    This round, I will put a pop filter in front of the mics and reduce amp volume as I suspect that could be part of the problem...maybe the loud signals that come about during the test process are pushing air across the mics?
    While I'm at anyone concerned about blowing speakers during the profiling process?
    Thanks very much.

  • Wow...the owner of the company? How cool! is the version I have.
    Tough to describe in words what I'm hearing...similar to what you'd hear with wind noise on a small diaphragm condenser mic when used outdoors except a bit more "percussive"; the low end portion of that. Definitely something going on in the sub 100hz region that isn't in the amp when mic'd normally. I did make some test recordings prior to starting the profiling (same micing, just via my studio rather than into the Kemper) that I could compare with the Kemper samples and send to you if necessary.
    I am truly blown away with how accurate the re-creation of the mic'd amp is, apart from this one issue.
    Thanks for your response!

  • Well, if you perceive a...perceivable difference which can't be EQ'ed out, you're definitely not too picky: could you post some A/B clips to help troubleshooting (better with 2.5)?
