Revert slot to saved while editing in performance-mode

  • I could be practical to have an easy way to revert the current slot to what is previously saved while editing a performance in performance-mode. The 3rd key above the display is unused in this context and could be made "Revert to saved". It would also become an indication of unsaved changes if the key only lights up after something has been changed.

    I know it it possible to revert everything by switching to a different performance and back, but that would also reset all unsaved edits to all other slots in the same performance.

    Btw, the term performance still confuses me after a year and a half with my KPA. Maybe I'm messing about with too many other MIDI-controlled boxes, but to me it would make more sense to call the performances "banks" instead. The term "performance mode" as opposed to "browse mode" OTOH is just fine.

  • Maybe the most intuitive would be if the current "undo" is limited to the current slot, and a new "revert" implemented on the third button above the display to undo all unsaved changes to the entire performance?

  • Send a MIDI command:

    In a performance situation where you use MIDI commands to switch between the slots in a performance and to alter the status of stomps that are assigned to certain rigs any changes which were applied on the fly during performance will be lost when switching slots. That way when you return to a certain slot in a performance it will sound exactly like the first time you selected that slot. The rig will sound like when the performance was originally loaded. This is a safety measure to prevent you from getting all confused on stage

  • That way when you return to a certain slot in a performance it will sound exactly like the first time you selected that slot. The rig will sound like when the performance was originally loaded. This is a safety measure to prevent you from getting all confused on stage

    I do understand that, and with my suggestion you would get that effect by changing to a different performance and back. Maybe I'm too old-fashioned in the way I use the KPA. It is rare that I create dedicated performances and/or slots for specific songs. I work more with a performance or two per guitar with slots with selected rigs that match the instrument and the style of music I play. Styles may vary a lot with the use of many instruments, but I also often play all night using just one guitar and stay within one performance on the KPA. While playing I make minor adjustments to the gain and eq to match the pickup-selection and how the guitar is dialled in there and then. In this situation it is a pain that the adjustments are lost when I switch between slots in the same performance. There are so many factors that affect the tone in live environments that I find it near impossible to have every detail prepared in in advance.

  • You could store the changes in an alternative Performance for that gig. When applying a tweak just store that Performance again to keep the tweaks. Later you can decide wether to discard or keep the tweaked Performance.

  • Maybe the most intuitive would be if the current "undo" is limited to the current slot, and a new "revert" implemented on the third button above the display to undo all unsaved changes to the entire performance?

    The third key is occupied by "External Storage". The question is, if it would be useful, if in Performance Mode generally UNDO/REDO would toggle between the latest modified status of any Slot and its original state.