firmware and additional rigs

  • total newb here, can't figure this out. Sorry if this is a dumbass mistake. ;(
    I am on the website where to download the newest firmware as well as several rig packs, when I click on DOWNLOAD absolutely nothing happens.
    I did format my usb stick using the profiler and the folders are all there.
    Does anyone know how it is that I get no action when clicking to download firmware or rig packs?
    The manual didn't help and I googled this but no explanations helped me.

  • ok so I just used chrome instead of internet explorer and was able to download and install the firmware.
    Now I just need to know what to do with the rig pack I downloaded. Got the file folder with all the files, do I copy that to the USB stick then put it in the Kemper? Or what?
    It just doesn't seem like there are instructions for doing this file management and stuff anywhere!?

    Thanks guys

  • Welcome!

    There are two manuals that can be downloaded. One is Basics and Profiling (this likely came as a book, with your Kemper), the other has more in-depth information.

    From "KEMPER PROFILER The Basics & Profiling":

    In order to transfer these files from your Mac or PC to your PROFILER, please copy them to the directory called “Shared” on your dedicated USB stick. Next, plug the USB stick into the USB slot on the rear panel of your PROFILER and switch to Browse mode. Wait for a couple of seconds and then press the soft but- ton “External Storage.” You will then be presented with an option to import the new content. Importing the content will merge the new data with your existing local presets, rigs and performances.

  • wow, thanks for the answers... and helping a newcomer as well

  • wow, thanks for the answers... and helping a newcomer as well

    Welcome, and you're welcome! ;)
    While you're at it You can also install the RigManager software from the Kemper site.
    this is an alternative (and nowadays my preferred) way to send rigs to your profiler (and manage loads of rigs, too).