FCB1010 Volume Pedal Use Affects Wah

  • I'm running a Powerhead I bought about a year ago (great Xmas present to myself!!) with v2.7.3 FW with a brand spanking new FCB1010 with the V1.3 Uno4Kemper EPROM. I usually run in performance mode except when auditioning profiles. I have noticed that, if I am using a rig and have the wah turned on but don't use the pedal, I will occasionally hear what seems to be the wah being actuated, even though it is not being touched, and I have made certain I do not touch the wah pedal. The wah pedal is set to turn on when I use the pedal and turn off after I stop moving the pedal, haven't tried any other modes so do not know if this occurs in other settings. I read a thread on here a while back to the effect that perhaps the 2.7.3 FW has an effect upon the MIDI operation, however I have yet to go and look at the system MIDI settings, I believe it should be set to omni mode, I will do that tonight when auditioning profiles. Anyway, has anyone else experienced this phenomenon? Appreciate any info. Thanks!

  • Sorry for the thread hijack ucnick, but how do you calibrate pedals Ingolf? I also have a FCB1010 (running Eureka) and noticed that the vol pedal doesn't shut down vol all the way! Haven't seen a calibrate pedal option though! Sorry if I need to RTFM! ;)

  • Sorry for the thread hijack ucnick, but how do you calibrate pedals Ingolf? I also have a FCB1010 (running Eureka) and noticed that the vol pedal doesn't shut down vol all the way! Haven't seen a calibrate pedal option though! Sorry if I need to RTFM! ;)

    Yeah, the calibration procedure IS descibed in the Original FCB manual, sorry! ;)