fuzz pedals, (again) :p

  • Hi guys, i know this has been discussed a lot already but wondering if the new firmware helps out with the impedance missmach issue when profiling with a fuzz in the chain, any sucess so far?

  • My understanding is that pedals like the Fuzz Face have input (pickup loading) impedance issues, not output (to Kemper) ones. But at any rate, wouldn't an inexpensive device like the Radial Dragster be able to cure such ills?

  • Some 'Vintage Style' fuzz pedals rely on the interaction with your guitar pickups to actually sound good. They have a low input impedance and, in terms of 'tone suck' they are 'guilty as charged'. The thing is to mod them for true bypass (so tone suck isn't an issue when it's not in use) and understand that if you put a buffer in front of them, they won't sound as intended when you *do* use them...... the circuit design should account for the flaws of the input impedance and if you second-guess it by putting a buffer in front of it then you'll potentially make them sound harsh.