Excessive Feedback

  • Hi guys.

    Picked up this incredible product two weeks ago. Running it through some HD mackies (FRFR) and it sounds monster - I'm suffering from a feedback issue though. The gate doesn't seem to be taming feedback at all and uncontrollable feedback bleeds through unless I'm stood a mile away from the amp.Is there a particular setting you guys would recommend? I'm running gain at around 5/6 at the moment with a screamer used to boost the high mids (drive on zero).

    I set the amp noise gate on around 3 but have a gate before and after the boost - the music we play is heavy, technical metal - so would this be considered a normal approach? It seems to be the only method that works.

    I've tried lowering the guitars pickups (this actually did help the situation slightly) - if I palm mute a note then the feedback creeps in behind the note and obviously keeps the gate open. At the volume I'm playing (live volume) it appears that problem maybe to do with the signal going into the kemper (my guitar) - so a microphonic pickup issue could also be to blame.

    Clean boost is set to zero to avoid input clipping (it glows,but never goes into the red)

    Im running a Mayones GTM7 with a Seymour Duncan Jazz in the neck and Pegasus in the bridge.

    I'm also running a wireless unit as well (just incase I may have been doing something along the signal chain that's causing this.)


  • The only way you are going to find out is by a process of elimination ^^

    Try the easy one first, connect via a lead rather than wireless.
    Knock the clean boost down a bit more -1 or -2
    Try a different guitar ?


  • Hello Belial, welcome :)

    So no feedback when you keep strings muted, right?
    If so, it's not your PUs.
    Are you going through a DAW? You might have some weird "loop" in your signal chain :|