LED flashing after startup

  • Hi, I'm a proud Kemper owner for 3 weeks now. Really love this little device.
    Currently, there is one thing I'm curious about. After startup, when the device switches from startup screen to tuner mode, there is a single LED flash.
    Sometimes it's quite bright (it seems to vary in brightness from startup to startup), however, the brightness values in the system settings are untouched.
    At times, every LED is involved in this process, from stomp buttons to page buttons. This looks quite weird.

    This might be a totally normal behavior of the unit, hence I didn't contact support yet.
    Is it normal?

  • Mine does it too. Seems like the default state is full on, and then as soon as the SW takes over, it throttles them back to your desired level. Even though this just takes a fraction of a second, I worry that it stresses the LEDs unnecessarily. I hope they address it in an upcoming FW update.