Two parallel paths A & B

  • Speaking of “combine two profiles”, I wish Kemper could take that concept one step further --two parallel signal paths A & B, each can select its own input source (front input or alt input), so if you are the only guitarist in your band, you can run two different rigs (left and right) at the same time, creating a wider stereo sound, or you could pan two rigs center to merge them, if your band have two guitarist they can share one KPA: guitar 1 – front input – path A – left output, guitar 2 – alt input – path B – right output. This is what line 6 can do since X3 (HD500 can do that too), Boss since GT10 have two independent processing chain but no alt input to feed the second chain.

  • That would be slick! For me just adding a delay before the Amp section would work for thickening up the sound, I used to run a 6ms delay in my old GT10 and loved it.

  • I found that by using slightly different sounding amp+cabs on left and right channel (not complete different amps, say,a AC30 and a rectifier)can create a wider yet authentic stereo sound,adding a little bit of delay (lantency ,maybe more accurate)can enhance that experience.