New way to display cabinet tags or switch cabs

  • So I've been messing around with IR's recently. I've got lots of amp-profiles now, most of them from TAF. And although most of them sound great, the quest for tone never ends. So I decided to dive into speaker territory, which is about 50%
    of the tone. I bought some Ownhammer IR's and used some Redwirez that I already had. Thing is that before you know it, you have 400 cabinet IR's onboard. And the real problem is the way the kemper displays the cab tags, in two columns of 5 cabs each. Almost every IR I own has a name/tag that is too long. So the display tells me nothing but the name of the speaker. For example: OH 412 BOG-ST M-CB-75. There abouts it ends, whilst the real info comes next: RMDR 08. So when browsing through my cabs there's no telling I'm on RMDR 08 or 01, other than letting the screen fall back into the normal (non-browser) display of the cabinet.

    Maybe I'm overlooking something, but wouldn't it be better to have only 1 column of cabinets? granted, you'd have to scroll a lot more, but at least the names would fit.
    Furthermore, would it be possible to switch cabs using buttons (up and down) rather than only the browse-knob?