Kemper Power Amp Voltage

  • The voltage on the power amp says 100-125 or 190-245V. Do I have to press a switch, or the change is automatically done? I'm a little confused since on the non powered amp I believe the voltage says 100-240. I really wouldn't want to burn my precious Kemper.

  • Voltage selection is done automatically, so you don't have to set a switch manually - no worries. The two ranges as spec'ed on the device are to unambiguously define these 2 voltage ranges and the device should not be operated outside these two!

  • This is very good information. In my previous band we had a voltage monitor in the onstage mixer board, and I could clearly see the line voltage at that location at any time during the gig. We sometimes played gigs when the line voltage dropped from 120VAC nominal to 98VAC. At that time I was using a tube guitar amp that was sensitive to line voltage, and it would sound bad, and the low voltage was often the reason.

    Since the low end voltage for the Kemper is 100VAC, I would see issues at those same gigs. So I plan to buy an inexpensive UPS/voltage conditioner (available for around $50 or so) and use it with the Kemper. This is probably a good thing to do regardless of what microprocessor based device you might be gigging with.

  • Thanks a lot for the reply, man. Still it really puzzles me why the voltages are written differently on the powered and the non powered Kempers.


  • It's possible that the non-power amp and power amp versions of the Kemper have different main power supplies; the power amp Kempers will require much more power from their power supplies, most likely will need a few more voltage outputs as well. Different supplies can mean different voltage ranges. Most companies buy the power supplies as completed assemblies for a number of reasons, and the company that makes the supply may have different specs than other companies' supplies used in the same product.

    The aftermarket power amps for Kemper retrofit almost always have their own power supplies, so the stock Kemper supply will not need to be modified.

  • yep, the built-in poweramp module has it's own power supply (just like the aftermarket modules), so it's not powered from the main power supply. that's the cause for the different rating.