Mission EP1-KP Help - Wah and Volume

  • You can do this today hooking up directly to the KPA or through some third party remotes, but the kemper remote doesn't support this feature today. It's coming in a future release.

    To go direct you will need a standard tip/sleeve cable and a tip/ring/sleeve cable. Connect the TRS cable from output 1 of the mission pedal to either pedal port in the KPA. In the KPA system menus page 6 set this pedal port to expression type 1 wah. Connect the TS cable from the number 2 output in the mission pedal to the other pedal port on the KPA. In the KPA system menus set this to mono stomp for whatever slot you put the wah effect in, normally A, B, C, or D. I'm assuming you have the expression pedal with the built in toe switch.

    Then in the rig menu page 3 on the KPA check the box that says wah pedal to volume.
    When you have a rig with the wah assigned, and you push down on the toe switch on the pedal, the wah will activate. When you press it again to turn the wah off, it will automatically switch to a volume pedal.

    Note when switching from wah to volume the pedal needs to come through and pick up where it was when it was last used as a volume pedal to activate. This is normally all the way at max since you go there to push down on the toe switch to turn the wah on/off. So when I turn wah off I make sure to rock the pedal up to max settings just before hitting the toe switch and the volume pedal then works great.

    I really enjoy this feature in the KPA and it cuts down on the number of pedals to carry around.

    See if you like the feel of the stock toe switch in the mission pedal. I changed mine out to feel more like a normal click and actions of a real wah so you can feel the click. The stock switch doesn't do that.

    Hope this helps.