"Tone-matching", Actual Profile as Reference Amp option

  • Hey, how about a way to select the actual Profile as Reference Amp in the Profiler section, so you can create, adjust a Profile before to the Tone you want to Tonematch( older album tone/DI Recording), then you easier can use the Refining for a Loop with Ozone sending DI to the Input + Reference Tone of the Recording Wet tone to kemper Return.

    For me it would really rock because I don't have any own amps anymore to can put in the Profile path for example, so Iam not able to do
    the Tonematch/Ozone Trick sadly.
    yes, would be just Awesome this possibilty, making Tonematching easier, also in general I think too

    Imply the actual Profile as Refeferene amp would do the trick most likely

  • Could be Very awesome option to
    imply Post-processing Hardware/ Plugins to a already profiled Rig,
    to creating Cabs with in the Daw (Ozone Match EQ/IR designer) in the profiling path, or a miced cab+SS PowerAmp one Direct line with the actual Amp DI profile in kemper.