Pure Cab, pickups and general profile thoughts?

  • Been playing around with the new Pure Cab function and had some very mixed results. To my ears it's a weird feature. On some profiles it sounds pretty good, compared to the original miced sound,
    but on most profiles I use (med to hi-gain) it sounds absolutely horrendous. In a way I cannot describe, although it reminds of a 'no cab' sound. In a very slight way of course, but it puts me off at any rate.
    Second, I have 2 main guitars (HSH DiMarzio+Duncan & SSH EMG's) and I have found the Kemper to be way to picky about what it's fed. The difference between SC and HB is way to big, compared to a genuine
    tube amp.
    But anyway...
    I mainly use commercial rigs (TAF and TJ) and at the moment I use headphones with my PowerRack. Wanted to check out TAF's Victory amp profiles, so I downloaded their free demo profiles.
    With the exepction of 1 (Silverback), they sounded so bad with the EMG's and turning on the Pure Cab made me want to cry ;( (not really ;) ). But I was not a happy Kemper. But even the Silverback profile, using the EMG hb
    it sounded great, switching to a sc it immediately turned to *#@ <X . I then tried a TAF custom shop Lil River 30 and with similar results. Pure Cab made the profiles sound different in a bad way. Fyi, I had it turned to about 4.
    I then turned to my faithful JCM800 Hot Mod (also TAF), which immediately brought back a big smile to my face. Even with PC turned on. :)
    Sorry if this post is all over the place. I sometimes find being a guitarist is frustrating in the way that an amp may sound great today and bad tomorrow. I find this especially true for profiles on the Kemper (to my ears).
    Just wondering if there are others here who have similar experiences (or otherwise) with their Kemper?

  • Just a thought-

    Are you using a midi pedal? That will currently makes some strange things according to me and others. LIke the cab part is gone when chaning rig via midi.
    In 3.0.2 all is ok.


  • I don't use a midi-pedal at home, so that wouldn't be an issue. Maybe it's due more to the EMG pickups?
    One thing I noticed with Kemper is that it really reacts to the output of the pickup. The bridge EMG85 sounds ok,
    but the 2 SAV singles have a noticable drop in volume and thus the amp profile sounds different. This is something I understand, but find annoying nonetheless.
    With my old 19" Mesa rig this guitar sounded awesome, in a Lukather kind of way. Now I mostly use the other one of which the pu's are more balanced I guess.

    One thing though (and again this may very well be the EMG-syndrome), this afternoon I was cleaning up some profiles I don't use and came upon a strange issue. With some
    clean to cleanish profiles it sounds like the unprocessed signal of the pickup is bleeding though. I hear (again with headphones) the amp sound, but also a thin single coil sound that
    sounds more like I have the guitar plugged straight into a mixer. This is the first time I've noticed this. Humbucker sounds fine as far as I can tell, but the single coils don't.
    Know I should ask Kemper about this, but I wondered whether anybody else has noticed this and/or is using EMG single coils.
    One of the stock profiles I found this most noticable is Gundy- LuckyNile DP..

  • Might be of benefit to sent input presets for each guitar.