"Linked" effects, momentary Remote effects switches

  • Linked Effects: Fractal has a similar thing. Basically, you have a few slots for "linked effects" for each effect type. If you save an effect in one of these slots, every time you tweak a "linked" effect in a preset and then save the preset, all other presets that use that same effect and slot will have their linked effects updated to reflect the changes. This is really useful if you have a favorite lead delay, clean boost, chorus, wah, etc. that you use with multiple presets. If you decide you want to change something, instead of scrolling through EVERY preset and changing each one manually, you can just just use a single linked effect for all those presets and update the effect in only one of them, then it will be applied to all others after resaving the current preset.

    Momentary Effects Switches: This is pretty self explanatory. Allow each of the I-IV buttons on the Remote to be used as momentary switches rather than toggle switches. The most common use for this is probably the Van Halen flanger/phaser effect, a la Unchained and Ain't Talkin Bout Love. It could also be used for a killswitch effect by using the Loop effect, assuming you're not actually using it for anything already.