FCB1010 - Kemper tutorial page

  • Hi all,
    I just finished setting up a page on one of my web sites on programming the FCB1010 for use with the Kemper

    Note that this tutorial page is only for FCB1010's that have the UNO chip installed
    The UNO chip lets the FCB1010 have 5 stomp box pedals and 5 preset selection pedals

    It also is only for the Kemper browser mode
    I have not experimented with the FCB1010 and the Kemper Performance mode yet

    I have links on the tutorial page to the Ripwerx FCB1010 editor I am using for the tutorial
    There is also a .syx file you can download to play with

    Note that my tutorial page has nothing to do with the UNO4 Kemper chip
    The UNO4 Kemper chip is not programmable with computer based editing software

    There are a bunch of handy links on my page

    I go through all the steps it takes to program the FCB1010 Stomp box pedals to control the Kemper effects
    I also show how to edit the FCB1010 preset pedals so you can have each one turn on and off different Kemper effects and have different expression pedals for each kemper profile

    I have a demo on the page showing how you can turn on and off two Kemper effects with just one FCB1010 stomp box pedal :)

    If you see any errors, let me know. I always miss stuff when I proof read pages :)

    I would be glad to include any other content that may be useful to Kemper and FCB1010 users

    Here's the page link again

    Thanks and enjoy
    Hope my tutorial page is useful