Remote Display...........

  • Hi all. Is there a sure-fire way to get the Remote to display the correct profile name in the available slots? It is really getting on my tits at the moment as it just displays names of profiles that I've used in the past, but seldom the one that is currently in use. I've tried banking up and down again just to see if it needs refreshing but to no avail. It means that I am having to memorise the positions of my presets for each performance which kind of renders the display useless. I thought this had been addressed in the latest firmware update, but my KPA is bang up do date. Any help greatly appreciated:)

  • Slot name differs from Rig name. It only follows if the slot name and rig name is always in sync.
    You can edit the slot name in the slot settings (you can even take the rig name with one button click)