FR: Please allow a newly opened window/folder to inherit the settings from the "main" window

  • I've tweaked the window in RM (namely sections' width,columns, columns' width) to fit my needs, and whenever I open the app I find it the way I set it. But when I open a new window from the menu, it's set according to the default (that is, I guess, the settings I first tweaked from).
    The same thing happens when I create a new folder.

    It would make sense to me to have all the windows and folders open reflecting the user's settings and preferences, what do you think?

  • Actually, this seems to be a bug. The window preferences are stored per folder, so if you tweak for example "Local Library" and open another window showing "Local Library", it should have the same settings as the first window.

  • Thanks Arne, what you describe is indeed the expected behaviour.

    We all know that there are some bugs to fix in RM, what matters most to the user is IMO to know what to expect, when possible :)