Download rigs on Windows 10

  • Hi Everyone

    When I used to download rigs on rig exchange it used to come up with a save option when I selected download, now I've changed to Windows 10 it comes up with a view option only!
    Anyone got any clues. Is it me or is Windows 10 just bloody awful?

  • Hi Everyone

    When I used to download rigs on rig exchange it used to come up with a save option when I selected download, now I've changed to Windows 10 it comes up with a view option only!
    Anyone got any clues. Is it me or is Windows 10 just bloody awful?

    I had Windows 10 for few days but uninstalled it.

    I have found

    Currently there is no mechanism to right click on a link and “save as” or “save target as.”

    But you can preview all Rigs from RigExchange just by installing Rig Manager tool provided by Kemper -----> - choose Category -> Rig Manager

    [Blocked Image:]

    And yes - Windows 10 is awful - at least for me.

  • I don't know if that can help, Windows 10 here, I drag and drop rig to Local or directly in Kemper in the right menu. Also, from a right click on a rig and Copy, I paste it on the desktop and it save a .kipr file, but I don't try it to see if it the rig itself.

