Browse through performances

  • If you have a number of performances selecting one of them single-step-wise by the rig cross buttons is a pita. The buttons should perform autorepeat at least.

    Even more I'd like to use the browse button to browse through performances rather than rigs. On stage I need to be able to select any performance quickly. I would not want to edit the performance by selecting a different rig. So what the browse button currently does seems useless in an on-stage situation.

    Anyway soft button #3 is currently unused in performance mode. Why not activate this one to enable browsing through rigs if needed.

  • Not sure I get you... the Type knob does what the Rig buttons do, but quicker. What is the "Browser display"? You see the performances exactly as always by using Type.
    Am I missing something?

  • Well, if you browse through rigs using Browse you see 8 rigs at once in the display. That gives you a good overwiew and allows you to select a rig quickly.

    Opposed to that browsing through performances using Type lets you see only 1 performance at a time. Selecting a performance is much slower, in particular if you select by name rather than number. My KPA has 75 performances stored. On stage I sometimes need to find one of these within seconds.

    Usability could be improved sigificantly by letting us browse through performances in the same way as through rigs. Let the Type button select whether you're browsing through rigs or performances.

    To me browsing through rigs in performance mode makes no sense at all unless I want to edit the performance. There is an 'Edit' soft button for that.

    Thank you for spending your time, viabcroce.

  • Thank you Christian, now I got it :)

    The Remote has got the Autorepeat function when browsing through Performances. so I would think that any simple switch connected to the Profiler would do the same? It might be worth a try.
