first time switch to perf mode, performance is not loaded

  • Hello, kpa owner since a week.
    So, when I turn on the kpa, after the boot sequence, if I turn the knob to performance I see the K loading it ( the display shows the right perf name), BUT the sounds are not quite right. Since I only have 1 perf with only 3 slot enabled, I'm not sure where the sound came from (which rigs I mean), but surely it's not one if the rigs in any of the 3 slot.
    To "fix" it, I simple have to switch to performance 2 (default empty perf), and then switch back to my perf. This time rigs are the right ones.
    Seems to me that the first time I move the selector to performance more, Kpa does not actually load the performance, but rely on some sort of internal buffer filled with I-don't-know-what.
    It's just me?

  • So it's not a "feature" :)
    Anyway, I was trying to recreate the problem, but with no luck.
    I'm pretty sure there's a way to recreate the problem, since it happened to me quite a few times, but I've tried now and the performance was loaded as it should be.
    It could be my fault indeed, since I'm new to the profiler.
    Will pay more attention and, eventually, write back here with a concrete way of reproducing the problem (if any).
    Thank you