High frequency noise on XLR Outs

  • I sent a note to support on this matter over the weekend, but was curious to see if any users might have a suggestion for me.

    I am experiencing a consistent, repeatable noise with my KPA in all my profiles (both that I've created or purchased or were provided by Kemper in their factory settings) using the XLR outs. The below files illustrate the problem. The file is just the same single note hit, but alternating the sound from the Kemper as a DI (Monitor Out - Git Studio) and going through the Kemper but with the simplest / cleanest path possible (using KPA Main L XLR output with "Master L" setting and with Stomp-Stack-Effects ALL bypassed). The noise is clearly audible in the alternating note (again, the file is just looping the same single note sampled from Monitor Out- Git Studio, Main XLR L - Master L, Monitor Out- Git Studio, Main XLR L - Master L, Monitor Out- Git Studio, Main XLR L - Master L, Monitor Out- Git Studio, Main XLR L - Master L, etc ).

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/73ib4055pb4g0sc/KPA Noise.mp3?dl=0

    Turning on the stack section of the profile only exaggerates this noise (often brighter with more gain, etc).

    I have 2 KPAs, one using firmware (which was used to make the audio file samples), and another using firmware (latest). Both have the same issue. No difference with changing the XLR cables, so it is not a cabling issue. I also did a system reset which did nothing to change the results. Any thoughts/suggestions on how to eliminate the noise?

  • First of all, thanks for the responses. To clarify, it is nonharmonic noise in the HF range on every other note. It exists both when the note is played and in the tail (as the note decays). It may be easier to hear in the decay. To illustrate it, here's a screenshot from a spectragram:


    You can visibly see the HF content above 3k is very different in the alternating notes (brighter shades of blue highlight this). That is the noise of which I speak. If you zoom in and look closely, you will see that noise is broadband and appears even lower in the frequency spectrum.

    The noise is not a vibration from the guitar. These are not two different strikings of the same musical note....rather, it is the same note sampled from two outputs of the KPA simultaneously, and looped 4x so you can hear the difference several times. If it were a prominent vibration from the guitar itself, it should be audible/observable from both outputs.

    Edited once, last by shred11 ().

  • One other thing worth mentioning is that the EQs for the Main Outs and Monitor outs are both flat, though I'm not certain that you can EQ the Kemper's DI output anyway ("Git Studio").