SOLVED Rig Manager Not Syncing With Kemper

  • My Rig Manager and Kemper used to automatically sync when I connected them. Ever since I moved to 3.3 that stopped. I'm now running 4.0.2 beta and have the latest Rig Manager installed.

    Anyone have any ideas as to why it's stopped syncing and how to fix it?

  • Some rigs lost ampname and cab name by selecting this rig there is a message on kemper screen
    Restart kemper and computer.
    After reboot computer is myprofiler folder back

  • Thanks, however I get no error message on the Profiler and do not lose rigs.

    The myprofiler folder on RM is gone, and the Profile & RM can't see each other (yes they are connected).

    System reboots and RM re-installs have not worked.

  • Thank you Viabroce!

    I did the backup, then noticed that I had 3 versions of RM on my system - .33 / .4.4 / .5.1 or thereabouts.

    I deleted all 3, reinstalled the latest, and's working perfectly.

    It turned out to be such an easy fix, it reminded me of this...(if you've seen the IT Crowd)

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  • Glad it helped!

    As for the several, uninstalled (or not properly uninstalled), I had the same thing but this should be unrelated: I believe it's just Win's register not cleaning properly. I bet it would have been enough to just delete the dB and reinstall.
