Need advice on setting up patches etc

  • i am wondering if your getting some phase and latency from the 212. there is a conversion that occurs within the unit, the phase delay will give a boxy boomy sound. are you using any type of daw to monitor with? if so check your latency settings. someone suggested going straight to your monitors, good idea, also check any setting you may have on your monitors.

  • I used my headphones through both Kempers HP output, and my 2i2's HP out. To me there is a big difference in the tonal qualities right there.

    Yep, different HPs sockets will drive a pair of HPs in different ways. it depends on their characteristics.
    You might want to read this article, where the ideal coupling between headphones and a device driving them is described.
    The specs for the Profiler's HPs out and your 2i2's HP out may be quite different. I'd try the monitors straight from both units, which are much less sensitive to th4e output's characteristics. If you perceive a much lesser difference, then it's the audio card's HPs output.

    I need to drive my headphones at a certain level to bring out all the goodness.

    Most probably, nothing changes in the rig's response at different levels (unless you clip something). It's rather ear's sensitivity that changes at different sound levels.


  • @pbfoot
    That's interesting actually! But I monitor directly from the 2i2 device itself, before the sound goes through USB to the computer.

    Settings on monitors does confuse me a bit. I have a pair of Focal CMS40. They have fairly flat EQs with -2dB, neutral and +2dB options for treble and bass respectively. The 'tricky' part is the input setting, which I'm not sure does anything for sound quality. The input sensitivity can be changed between +4dB, 0 dB or -10dB. Combined with XLR connection from the 2i2, I've not been able to find any appropriate way of setting it up anywhere.

    I'll give the link a read some time soon, thanks! Also will try monitoring directly from Kemper soon.

    Good call on ear sensitivity! What kind of volume is the expected 'minimum' for being able to hear said goodness on headphones and even speakers? That's probably very depending on the device itself, but having read that some people need to listen to their mix at volumes I find uncomfortable and possible causing hearing loss over prolonged periods, I might just ask and get it over with :P

    Sorry about all my questions, I really appreciate the time you guys put into answering all my crazy questions :)

  • I FINALLY found where it goes wrong, and why it always has been an issue.

    I cranked up my speakers so I could hear both speakers well. I had them on one at a time, to listen. They sounded different. I found it strange, and actually feared it was the speakers themselves.
    But I was happy to find out its the cheapest link in my setup: the interface.

    I A/B tested the sound of each speaker through each output. I unplugged one cable from the output of my interface, and listened to the same speaker on each output. One was always different. Same result with the other speaker.
    Simply put: the Output 1 of my 2i2 has an issue with the sound, while Output 2 is way better. Output 2 has that crunchy treble and the tight bass. Output 1? Flubby bass, muddled mids and treble that just disappears in the mess of the rest.

    With both speakers on, I've never been able to compensate for it settings wise because of the vast difference. It's always too much on one, or too little on the other.

    So I'll be looking at a new interface now I guess :)

  • Nice that you finally found out the problem.
    Regarding the sound card: for a simpler setup I can recommend Yamaha AG06 mixer and sound card. I connected my Kemper to one of the aux channels (not 1-2) and also my Mac with usb cable. The headphones and monitors are all connected to the Yamaha too. In this way I can record or send backtracks to the mixer without much fumbling around with cables.
    When I want to remove the KPA or the Mac from the setup I just unplug the cables that go from them to the mixer. The only thing that's not available, since I don't plug the headphones directly in the KPA, is the space parameter for headphones/aux out.
