FCB1010 in smaller

  • Hey, i'm not sure if thats the right section of the forum, but here goes:
    I'm searching something like the FCB1010 but smaller. Specificly the pricerange is relevant. There don't seem to be any budget midi controllers. The FCB is way overkill for my needs and way to big. But everything smaller is way more expensive... So basically 6-8 buttons and an optional Exp in. All pedals that do that are well above 200€. Maybe a Arduino diy project? Any input on cheapish controllers is very welcome. (And sorry if that's been asked a million times before. Couldn't find something "relevant"). ?(

  • Hey:

    My band uses tracks and so forth. One of us needs to advance tracks, press, play etc. The FCB was an excellent cost effective solution for us but its the size of a truck. I simply cut it down and painted it. its a small footswitch only board now and fits in a small pedal board we made for the Bass player to fit in with the rest of his pedals. Theres resources on the net to show how its done and at $120 its a great compromise.
