I save a rig in "perform" mode - When I turn the browser knob, all my saved "remote" effects are gone. . .

  • So I set up my Kemper remote in the profilers "perform" mode with a rig in any given slot, and for example, 4 effects saved on that remote slot as well.
    When I turn the "browse knob" , I lose all my saved settings and have to begin yet again.
    Is this just by default & there's nothing that can be done?
    Or, is there something I'm not doing correctly?
    Or possibly a production defect?
    Or maybe some kind of reset needed?

    Is there a way I can get back to my previously saved performance mode slot settings after turning the browse knob?

  • When importing a rig to performance mode, it is copied. The rig in the browser will not be affected by edits in performance mode. Consider the rig in the browser as the original, or something :) You can export the edited rig back to the browser though. Hit the Rig button and select "Store To Pool" from the first page.

    EDIT: Hey, you edited your post so much that my answer makes no sense! :P

    When you import another rig into a slot you will lose the effects for that slot too as they're part of a rig. If you want to test different amps while keeping the effects, just lock the stomp and effects sections. Make sure you unlock before moving to another slot though.

    Edited once, last by Trazan ().

  • Yes, I "save" each time I place an effect (or rig) on the remote (or perform mode).
    Everything is fine til I move the browser knob ans lose everything.
    I usually get my rigs from the "browse" and place it in the "perform", so getting the rig back is'nt as difficult as
    re-placing the effects all over again.
    It usually happens by accident when I'm tweaking effects and accidentally turn the browse knob and nooo, not again!! Lol.
    I guess my question should be - can the Kemper remotes settings (rig & effects) be saved and quickly retrieved into the same button positions again - or generally locked so as to not accidentally make any knob turning mistakes . . ?
    I guess I have some answers to try out.

  • You can turn off "Autoload" in the browser. Then no new rig will load until you also press "load". Anyway, you can just select a rig from the remote, and everything will go back to the saved settings. Or switch to another performance and back again if using the Kemper's front panel.

  • If you actually save each slot after any editing (which would imply saving the whole performance, it's a 3-press process), then your tweaks should definitely be saved. This doesn't sound normal.
    I'd make a backup and send it to Support.