SOLVED - Mission expression pedal (not the classic wah problem) question

  • Hey guys!

    So I bought the kp1 mission pedal and it works fine.

    My question is about the expression functions in the Kemper.

    In the system menu you choose the type of the pedal right? MORPH pedal, volume, wah, pitch....

    But what if I want use 4 different rigs in a same gig? 1 morph, 1 wah, 1 pitch and 1 let's say volume?

    I will have to change the pedal type every time in the system menu? There's no way to say to it "fuction as needed" or something?

    Sorry for que silly explanation. I don't know how to explain better XD

    Kemper bearded user from Blanes, Catalunya.

  • Ok, I've found a tutorial to do this.

    You can't have all 4 utilities at the same time with de mission but you can have Morph, Wah wah and pitch pedal. I don't use volume so it's fine by me.

    In the system menu, in the page that we see the four calibration of the expression pedals, we CHECK the checkboxes morph/wah and morph/pitch.

    The pedal will work as morph pedal i morph rigs, wahwah when wah wah is on and pitch pedal when it's on.

    Kemper bearded user from Blanes, Catalunya.