Yet another expression pedal thread - need advise for second pedal location on stage

  • I know this has been beat to death, and there might be more than one way to skin this cat, but I'm at work and don't mind wasting my (and your) time :D

    I already have a great MIDI set up; Liquid foot with 3 expression pedals, delay mix, volume (5db boost range) and wah, works great. I use the spring loaded Mission EP1-BK-SPL for wah - I love the feel / function of the spring load.

    here's my scenario: adding another expression pedal to control wah (and possibly boost) to put at another location on stage for live shows (so I can go over and annoy other band members, grab spotlight, etc.)

    I know I could add another EP1-BK-SPL to the MIDI set up, and maybe mess around with the parameters to have this one also do a boost... but that sounds hard and would require me to think, reprogram the board, etc.

    For a lazy solution, how about I use the switch input on back of Kemper to control a second wah stomp, this one with a volume boost in its setting? Would the MIDI wah want to turn on both stomps (and vice versa for the new switch input wah)? ?(

  • I think you should be able to configure another pedal plugged to the back of the Kemper totally separately from the others.

    Yes - I have an unused TRS line on my cable snake so this does appeal to me, as opposed to having to remember how to program that darn Liquidfoot! I'm sure I can at the very least just do this to use the existing wah stomp ... just looking for maybe a bit more function by adding boost but really, I'll survive - "quality problems", as they say.

    To compound matters, proving hard to get springloaded pedal, no one has in stock currently (except directly from Mission, which cost more)

  • To clarify my expected function: I would like to be able to use the Vol, sweep it (to down) to my max boost, press switch to activate the Wah (hopefully while still at max Vol. wah wah for a bit, the reverse to turn of Wah, then sweep Vol back to rhythm level.

    to explain my concern better - if my A stomp with Wah is set to "Touch" to utilize the spring loaded switches pedal va midi, will a switched pedal be able to be used in the above fashion? If it is problematic, I was thinking of just copying my Wah into Stomp B, using new pedal to turn that on/off... thanks for anyone's help!

  • I think you should be able to configure another pedal plugged to the back of the Kemper totally separately from the others.

    OK - pedal received and set up thru switches in back of KPA. I hit a road bump, tho.

    In slot B, I have my wah, it's always on and responds to "touch" (since I use a spring return Mission Pedal, routed via my Liquid foot JR+). the new pedal, now, of course, wants controls the "wah" first, not the volume (since "wah to volume" enabled). So, my original idea, to have a separate "soloing station with volume and wah" on other side of the stage might not be possible.... unless I'm overlooking something? Maybe "touch" should be something else for my Slot B wah?

    to at least utilize the new pedal, I just made it a volume , then put a flanger in Slot C for the toe switch so I can get a little color on the solos. Not exactly what I had planned, but still kind of cool.