Need Harmonizer upgrade, its not working when using the loop as input

  • The harmonizer sounds good when I use the guitar input on Kemper, but Its very strange that the harmonizer sound really cheap when the FX loop is used as input for guitar sound or other external equipment. the delay and reverb works fine.Testing it with a analog guitar synth in the FX loop and it sound good with delay and reverb, but the harmonizer sound realy bad. Why? anybody? Im not trying to be rude, with all respect.
    I made sound clips, where can I put it?

    Edited 2 times, last by strengdal ().

  • Anyone else tried this? Its cool to use Kemper as a effect unit for external gear, but why is not the harmonizer working,when the return and alternate is used for input in the loop?

  • I assume you're using the return and alternative inputs instead of the main input because you want to feed a stereo signal into the Kemper, correct?

    I've often wondered if the Harmonizer effect perhaps gets its pitch detection from somewhere early in the chain, even when it's placed after the amp. Heavily distorted sounds are tracked just as accurately as clean ones, so maybe the pitch detection always happens right at the beginning, where the signal is still at its cleanest. That would explain why it doesn't track right when you bypass the input.