Best Keyboard/Piano software?

  • I search for a software like EZ Drummer, but for Keyboard/Piano. (I already know EZ Keys)
    Can anybody give me some advices/experiences?

    Guitar to keyboard?
    Good question! I'm looking for, too! :thumbup:

  • I really like Native Instruments Komplete, but Arturia V, is on another level, it feels and looks exactly like the real keyboards it's emulating. Arturia is going to be my vote.

    Kemper Powerhead w/remote & Kabinet
    Focusrite 18i8 (2nd Gen) - Windows 10 - Ableton Live - Yamaha HS-8's - DT770 80 ohms

  • If you mean a virtual instrument (plugin/vst) to turn midi into sounds, I recommend Pianoteq. It's based on mathematical modeling rather than huge sample libraries, so it's very lightweight and configurable, and it can sound very dynamic and real. There are lots of different instruments to choose from; the basic Stage pack gets you a few different concert grands, including the Steinway D.

    For editing/programming I simply use the piano roll in my DAW (Ableton Live), although I usually record my parts using my digital piano as a midi instrument.

  • I only recently got one of the EZ Keys packs because it was on one of their (many!) sales. I really like the way it can put things together. I can barely string things together on a guitar - I'm truly dreadful on a keyboard so having a little window a la EZ Drummer that puts things in simplistic terms to help the likes of me is great. You can then, of course, squirt the output of this to any other channel you like to drive other keyboard sounds.

    Anyway, I bought NI Komplete a few years ago. That has more keys sounds than you can shake a stick at - Kontakt is a sampler that has lots of included libraries from classic synths and strings through to pianos and you name it. You then get Massive (which is more 'in your face' synth sounds perfect for modern dancy stuff) and then FM8 (vintage - ish). Reaktor is beyond the likes of me unless I load presets. There are people who spend their entire lives designing sounds in it but I cannot be arsed. Sad but true.

    The Arturia stuff looks interesting and JSB's recommendation above is worth looking at. Well worth mentioning that Arturia are giving away a free filter plugin till the end of Christmas day. I've downloaded but not played. The nice thing is that now I'm a 'registered user' (albeit of a free plugin) I get a discount on anything else they're selling. A quick glance at Arturia V as a stranger vs someone who has downloaded this free filter shows that downloading the freebie gets you 100 euros off!!!!

    Omnisphere seems to get plenty of love but I've never personally played with it.

    Also worth mentioning that many DAW's come with some VSTi's that are not half bad these days. I'm using Studio One and the included instruments are actually very good.

    Hope this helps :)