"assertion failed"

  • hi, during the "factory rigs" recover process, the kemper failed.
    i am now unable to acces to the profil, it stop during the warm up with the message "assertion failed"

    i tried to press the system button under plug in, no succes
    i tried the rig button under plugging in no succes
    help please !!!

  • If you have the latest firmware hold quick while power on to tuner.

    In case that does not help read my post "KPA is toast" or call support next Monday.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • hi tahnk you, it looks loke the same problem.
    but i don't have the old firmware you talked about.
    so after booting maintenance screen i have the standard screen but it stays in that state.
    do you still have the first old firmware you talked about?
    thank you

  • Anyone here getting "assertion failed" message when using a footswitch?

    Every now and again when I switch patches, I get this error and have to reboot. Random patch numbers - it happens on different patches and only intermittently.

    parker / prs / kemper / g / mesa