SOLD - Kemper Powered Profiler, Remote, Carry Bag, and Mission Engineering Pedal Bundle $2400

  • Bought last year from Sweetwater and still under warranty. Remote and Mission Engineering Pedal virtually unplayed. Kemper Head has very low hours of use and is in pristine condition,

    For sale as a bundle for $2400:

    Kemper Powered Profiler 600 Watts (WIll sell separately for $1950), Hundreds of profiles. Including custom buys by the Amp Factory (Victory Amps), Guidorist (Bogner), M Brit, and also includes great bass profiles such as REDDI DI, Tone Hammer, Mesa, etc
    Kemper carry bag ($100)
    Kemper Profiler Remote (Will Sell separately for $500)
    Mission Engineering EP1-KP Expression Pedal for Kemper Profiling Amp (NIB) - Green ($110)

    Square Cash & Paypal are ok
    Plenty of positive feedback on Talkbass (Rich Emme) and ebay