Trouble updating to latest OS

  • Hi all.
    Not sure what I'm doing differently this update. I'm getting the message "Cannot Update. Multiple software revisions have been found on the USB stick", even tho' I deleted them.
    Any thoughts??

  • Hi all.
    Not sure what I'm doing differently this update. I'm getting the message "Cannot Update. Multiple software revisions have been found on the USB stick", even tho' I deleted them.
    Any thoughts??

    Yes, make sure there is absolutely no files in either the root directory, nor in the subfolders, that is entitled "kaos.bin". If there are, delete them, and re-copy the latest "kaos.bin" firmware onto the root directory, and reinstall.

    Edit -- or follow @P3t3rB's advice, and simply reformat your thumb drive (which will wipe any files), and reinstall the latest firmware "kaos.bin" in the root directory of your thumb drive.
