Effects profiling

  • It would be cool if I could also profile my stomp boxes. I don't know if it can be done - but I wouldn't have believed anybody who told me he could copy an amp's sound and behavior before I saw the KPA.

    Maybe it would be possible to do that based on fx type - I assume that profiling a distortion pedal would be a different thing than profiling a delay effect or a chorus...

  • So it is. There may not be an option within the next few month. But this Option will be there some time. With the kemper? Maybe, maybe with some other Brand.
    Before the KPA, NOBODY would have believed that we would get a product to "digitalize" a Valveamp 1:1. When the KPA is able to profile a Valveamp, with all its details, there will be the posibility to profile an Effect.
    For me, the Question is not IF but WHEN and WHO will be the Manufactur.
    Having this Option in the Kemper, this would be killer.

  • While you have the option of profiling gain-, dynamic- and eq- related fx (but use them as a profile), you definitely can't profile a flanger or a delay. Not because it requires a special magic, but just because this is not what the Profiler is made for.
    If someone wanted to design such a new Profiler they should conceive a completely different algorithm and device.
    Honestly, with the abundance and redundance of brands and fx types available on the market, I can't see the need for a second machine specialized in profiling fx.

  • Yes, algorithm would be completely different, thats why I understand that the kpa might never be able to do this. But maybe another product.
    I see the need for such a product because the abundance of fx on the market. I think it's compareable to the need of the kpa. Many of us spent so much money for dozens of fx pedals, buying a "KFX" one time and trying/downloading thousands of fx pedals would be a revolution compareable to the kpa.

  • I see where you come from. My point is that this is something so different from profiling an amp that probably no-one is going to ever make one tho.
    But i might be wrong, no-one was expecting the kemper when it jumped up... :D

  • Some effects might be more "worth profiling" than others - but arguably the time based effects can be "built" by algorithm better than profiled. You can use multiple microphones and capture the reverb impulse of a hall, but once you have that algorithm it's a simple matter to make the hall bigger / smaller / more lively / more dark.

    The Kemper already offers quite an array of FX - and if we get new algorithms... there can be many more.

    I'd simply love to see more profiled gain pedals available as FX in the unit - sure, the Green Screamer is pretty darned good, but in the same manner we can surgically swap amp / eq / cabinets... having my hand-modded Blues Driver available as an algorithm would be great.

  • +1

    Come to think of it, FX profiling (of gain boxes, in particular) might even be more useful to most people than the "Two amps at once" feature that some people have been requesting.

    When recording, a part played twice will always sound sound bigger than a guitar played into two amps at the same time. And, live, "two amps at once" is a subtle effect, and requires running a stereo rig (and stereo PA).

    But, being able to add a profiled vintage Klon or Maestro Fuzz or or TS-808 or Rat to our favorite amp profiles would be great! If it has to be a separate product, please make it MIDI controllable.

  • Well eq- and gain-related stomps can already be profiled... The problem is you don't have a slot where to place them.
    Furthermore, the Profiler should interpret more than one profile at a time ?depending pn how many profiled stomps you use plus the amp), and we don't know how power headroom is left.

    I agree that it's only a matter of budget. But budget is not a lesser variable in the market.
    Look at how many people are complaining that the difference in price between the Profiler and the Axe has got reduced... Imagine paying 500-600 € more for a Profiler2.

    A firm never makes market experiments. They may fall flat on some projects at times, but they always have made some plans. If Kemper have placed the Profiler at this price point with these characteristics, that's their winning strategy. It might reveal wrong, but only time will tell.