low volume from the sudden I formatted my KPA

  • Hello everyone!
    Hi have successfully formatted my Kemper, but I a have a weird glitch. I am connected with my PL from the main output to my input in my Komplete Audio 6.
    My Master volume and main volume are really high, but reallllyyyy high and still low output, like even my PC volume is higher than my Kemper.
    Some important mentions:

    My Kemper and my monitors are connected to my PC and my monitors volume are maxed out and controlled by my sound card main output knob
    Before the formatting the volume was pretty much equal to my Pc's volume with extremely low volume setted(like my master volume is now 7, previously it was 2.5)

  • After reset all parameters should be on default setting.
    However I would check the ouput section.
    Main out is switched to master stereo?
    If you have linked monitor out to main out uncheck it and try to control volume level again.