VST INSERT OVER USB - Kemper 2 (or Kemper1) wishlist feature

  • Kemper VST with connection to Kemper over USB.

    Super simple.. no cumbersome spdif or interface reamping annoyance.

    Just drop the VST in, always recording DI, Print it if you want to.

    Although the Kemper is amazing in every other way, the one thing that VST's are better at is.. they're insanely simple to tweak after the fact with no hassle of interfacing hardware to reamp.

    Sure you can do this by reamping via spdif or analog... but..

    I guess it would have to be done in a super low latency way though..

    And of course... multiple sample and bit rates.

    Why not just make a VST? Well.. the Kemper still has the advantage of stable portability.