Josh Middleton (Sylosis) Profiles

  • I recently had a profile buying itch and came across Josh's profiles on Youtube again because the dude writes some great riffs:

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    Picked these up last week and I've gotta say, I think I've really found my favorite 5150 profiles (not including the 5150 III). These profiles snarl in the best ways, and the added EQ work really helps me out with making the guitars sit in the mix. Plus, those EQ blocks really tighten up other profiles I have from other great profile makers

    So how does it sound in the hands of a complete amateur?

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    I highly recommend these if you're wanting some mix ready profiles. Has anyone else picked these up?
    My music can also be found on iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, Tidal, Rhapsody, and some pirating websites!
    "The Musings of Balance"
    "Bits & Waves, vol. 1"