Export tags fo csv function - and then the import?!

  • Question: The function 'Export tags fo csv function' in the Rig manager Version 2.0.17 (12839) is one-way only?

    The fun of it would be to be able to create a csv-file with the same layout as the export*, and then import the structure again to have a list of performances right away without having to type them in, for example:this list, which could easily be exported from excel to csv and then imported in the rig manager.

    Any suggestions how that could be done?

    Kind regards, Henk

    *The export looks like (be careful: example data!):

    "Blok1-A","2017-10-31 10:29:04","Henk van Cann",""," "," ",
    "Like the way I do - Ethridge","2017-10-27 15:37:58","hvancann","Accoustic"," "," ",
    "Aint no sunshine - B. Withers","2017-10-27 15:37:53","hvancann","Accoustic"," "," ",
    "New Performance","2017-10-31 10:30:08","hvancann",""," "," ",

    <and then add here a lot of records!>