Triple Recto in one of our new songs

  • Hi Guys,

    Just wanted to share on of our new songs that I'm experimenting with my KPA first time now.

    This is just the rough work, nothing done accept some volume tweaking and panning on the tracks. I have 2 guitars in the main part (done with a triple recto profile that I tweaked a little to my ears and changed cabs to one of Till's cabs - astonishing work btw, Till!!!). Clean part is done with the AC30 Profile I have loaded here.

    Let me know what you think!

    Heres the Link:…t-virus-tears-drenched-in

    Happy Profiling all! :D


  • Always happy to see somebody making the effort to propose original music. Well done and thanks for sharing with us! :thumbup:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi!

    Thanks guys for the feedback.

    schneidas: No, its a six string les paul custom with humbucker pu's, downtuned. It is a little muddy on the rythm parts. Need to tweak the sound a bit more. Downtuning the guitar is tricky, as all my sound get a bit too boomy.

    I think the KPA is wonderful piece of gear... Best piece I have so far if it comes to modelling/profiling/cloning... whatever its gonna called! :D Unbelievable how accurate sounds are and first time for a very long time I can hear how bad my playing style is... Long way to go from here now, but I'm loving it! 8o

    Have a great day and Cheers!