Wimpy reamp tones - please help

  • I'm having a hard time getting good tones from my Kemper. It all sounds wimpy compared to the same DI running through ampinthecloud.com (online Kemper reamping).

    Can somebody run a test reamp a DI through the attached profile?
    Am I missing some settings on my Kemper or are you getting the same sound from this profile?


    The archive contains:
    1. DI
    2. Reamp from Amp In The Cloud
    3. A 5150 profile
    4. My reamp through the profile

    For reference, I have reset all my settings to factory defaults. Using 'return input' to feed the DI from my interface and 'Main out' to get it back.
    Getting same sonic results through SPDIF. Any help would be appreciated!