Desktop and Laptop Recording (Soundcard)

  • Hi all

    Sorry I was unsure of what to put as the title.

    I have a very good and powerful PC that I use for recording. It's connected up to my UR824 using Cubase.

    Now I also have a very powerful laptop and what I want to do is be able to do my recordings on the desktop and then transfer the files to my laptop so I can sit on the couch with headphones on and edit files.

    Does anyone else work in this way and how do you cope with not having a second Soundcard and coping with the constant change of I/Os?

    I do understand that in Cubase I could make different temples for I/O (so this may very well be that solution) and I think the only way I can actually get decent latency without a second Soundcard is with ASIO4ALL but I am just wondering if anyone else works the same way and how they overcome any issues.

    Just trying to maximise my time.

    Thank you
